Parsons Red

Parsons Red


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Parsons Red ~ Alumni News

Parsons Alumni 1986, Callie Danae Hirsch, BFA in Photography

(New York, NY) In December 2011 the MTA Arts for Transit program completes the installation of Vast by artist Callie Danae Hirsch at the 105th Beach Street Station on the A/S subway lines in Rockaway Beach.

Commissioned by the MTA Arts for Transit Permanent Art Program in 2008, Ms. Hirsch collaborated with glass fabricator, Erksin Mitchell, in Baton Rouge Louisiana to translate three seascape designs, one-inch thick faceted glass panels cast in epoxy resin. The project, which included the renovation of the 105th Street station, has been three years in the making.

"It is a wonderful honor to have my art become one with the Rockaway landscape," says Ms. Hirsch, "The ocean is one of my most desirable places to be and my work attempts to bring sea life into our scope of vision. The sea teams with life, much of which we can only imagine. I hope ‘Vast’ will encourage viewers to acknowledge and respect the beauty of the sea as well as consider their own participation in the power and wholeness of the natural world.”

Callie Danae Hirsch is a New York City artist whose large body of work attempts to recreate the power of personal identity as a living organism within the larger evolving body of human history. Ms. Hirsch’s work has been featured on magazine covers, juried shows, and exhibited at prestigious international venues including, the Pen and Brush Club in NYC, The Parrish Museum in Southhampton, NY, the Salamagundi Club in NYC, the Aukcio-Ernst Museum in Hungary, and the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea in Florence, Italy. Most recently, Ms. Hirsch won a public vote contest by Sweet Riot and three of her designs were used on Sweet Riot candy tins.

For more information about the MTA Arts for Transit installation of “Vast” by Callie Danae Hirsch, please visit To reach the artist directly send email to: